Products - Finsol Technologies Private Limited
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Nothing works better than just improving your product!

The product, called QUANTOTRADE (QT) is a solution for algorithmic trading with built in decision making engine – automated trading of financial instruments on the electronic exchanges. With Finsol’s Execution Services, clients have access to sophisticated algorithms and experienced trading desks to access liquidity, maintain anonymity and minimize market impact.

We are committed to providing cutting edge technology with access to the world’s leading exchanges and an environment within which traders thrive.

We use latest technology stack to build a fault-tolerant, distributed, ultra-low latency hosted platform. Our vision is to develop and deliver comprehensive world class technology built financial solutions based on Cloud, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning with focus on capital markets.

We are dedicated to capturing market opportunities on major exchanges around the world. Our trading team is constantly conducting research and analysis to enhance our strategies and develop new ideas.